Due to the age of our legacy licensing servers, we must shut them down by the end of this year (12/31/2023).
Wowza Media Server 2.x.x, 3.x.x and Wowza Streaming Engine 4.0.0 to 4.0.5 will only be impacted if the server does not already have DNS available.
If you do not have DNS and cannot add it to the server, you can map your hosts file with the following: wowzalicense1.wowzamedia.com wowzalicense2.wowzamedia.com
For information about mapping your hosts file, please see the steps here: https://www.wowza.com/docs/troubleshoot-wowza-streaming-engine-licensing-errors-at-startup#add-wowza-license-servers-to-the-hosts-file-windows-2
This change must be completed by December 31st 2023 to continue using these versions of Wowza Media Server and Wowza Streaming Engine.