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JWT Error Responses

Here's a list of error responses and possible causes when using JWT with Wowza Video REST API.

Partial OR Incorrect OR Revoked Token

{"meta":{"status":401,"code":"ERR-401-ExpiredToken","title":"Expired Token Error",
"message":"Token has expired.","description":""},"request_id":

No Token

{"meta":{"status":401,"code":"ERR-401-InvalidToken","title":"Invalid Token Error",
"message":"Token is invalid.","description":""},"request_id":

Wrong API version (v1.7 or earlier) OR Misspelled Authorization header

{"meta":{"status":401,"code":"ERR-401-NoApiKey","title":"No Api Key Error",
"message":"No API key sent in header.","description":""},"request_id":

Valid Token From Different Account

"Record Unacces