Why do I Have Latency Issues After Switching Wowza Video Broadcast Locations?
Details of the issue:
Best practice to avoid unnecessary latency/playback failure after you switch the broadcast location of a live stream/transcoder instance where stream target for Wowza CDN is still deployed on a previous location from where the transcoder was initially created.
An example that could cause this issue:
If you initially create a live stream /transcoder instance in a broadcast location such as Singapore and you change it later to a different broadcast location by editing the instance via web UI/API to a location such as India, only the instance location would be changed to India. Whereas the stream target will still be deployed on the previous location, which is Singapore. Due to long network path to pull the chunks from the storage where chunks are stored, there is high possibility of latency/playback failure due to long network distance.
Best practice to avoid latency:
To avoid the latency/playback failure due to switch on broadcast location after it has been created, best practice will be to create a new live stream/transcoder instance to the current broadcast location rather than editing the existing live stream/transcoder instance. This way the stream target will also be created on the same location where the transcoder is been deployed, and will avoid unnecessary latency.