Can I secure a WebRTC stream using Secure Token?
Q. How do I protect my WebRTC stream with the SecureToken module?
A. WebRTC is now compatible with the SecureToken module.
Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.11 adds support for secure authentication of WebRTC playback using SecureToken protection. You provide the SecureToken information to Wowza Streaming Engine through JSON data passed over the WebSocket. For more information about using SecureToken to protect WebRTC playback, see the following the articles:
- Protect streaming using SecureToken in Wowza Streaming Engine
- Control access to WebRTC publishing and playback
Additional security considerations for WebRTC:
1. Review the Manage WebRTC sessions in Wowza Streaming Engine module documentation to create a custom-coded solution for accepting or rejecting WebRTC sessions/connections. A hash could be added to requests and validated if you decide to configure that yourself.
2. It is possible to create a custom HTTP provider that would authenticate the WebRTC Session Exchange information. If this is allowed, then the WebRTC playback would be authorized.
Here is a simple example of how such an HTTP provider would look.
Enhance WebRTC Security
Create a Custom HTTP Provider for Additional Security in WebRTC