How to Cancel Your Wowza Subscription
This guide provides an overview of Wowza's cancellation terms and steps to cancel your subscription effectively.
Where do I find Wowza's cancellation policies?
You can view our cancellation policy in the legal notice section of the website.
The page is named: Billing and Renewal Information
If you wish to cancel Services purchased on a subscription basis, you must do so on the “My Support page” in “My Account” or by accessing Wowza’s cancellation form directly at
All cancellation and refund requests need to be submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the subscription period or then-current Renewal Period. Otherwise, the cancellation will take effect on the next subscription period or then-current Renewal Period with your default payment method being charged automatically.
If you have executed a separate purchase agreement with Wowza, your termination and cancellation terms will be governed by what is listed in that purchase agreement.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Experience Team