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Why is my VOD not showing different sizes (1080, 720, 480, etc.)?

Q: I enabled VOD for my stream, but I only see a single rendition output in the playback. What happened?

A: VOD playback will only match the outputs configured for your live playback.

If you created a single rendition for your live stream/transcoder, that is what will be generated for your VOD playback.  If you are unsure how many outputs your live stream/transcoder has, you can verify by navigating in the Wowza Video Account Portal to Advanced > Transcoders > [Name of Transcoder] > Outputs & Targets.  In the example below I created a live stream and chose 1080p as my source size.  These are the outputs for both my live stream and the VOD playback. 



Create and manage VOD streams in Wowza Video